
  • Opening Day 396 College
    Opening day of our 396 College location. The weather did not co-operate and we really needed it to! We we're banking on people hanging out in front of the shop as it was the size of a closet... but instead it stormed enough to skim board out front. Still a good time just a little soggy.
    Opening Day 396 College

    Sat, Jul 23, 22

  • 396 College Build. June 2011
    Our College location was our smallest but the most intense! The unit was pretty much destroyed when we took possession. That being said we enjoyed our time here. Slappy curb out front and and being neighbours with a bar didn't hurt either!
    396 College Build. June 2011

    Thu, Jul 14, 22

  • Morgan Smith Going Pro Party
    On this day in BTL history 2012. We celebrated Morgan going pro for Blind. DC even did a small run of shoes for us to mark the occasion.
    Morgan Smith Going Pro Party

    Wed, Jul 13, 22

  • Lakai Signing 2014

    -On this day in BTL history 2014-

    In conjunction with the first day at our current shop on Dundas Street the lakai team came through to do a signing and a demo at Dunbat.

    Lakai Signing 2014

    Tue, Jun 28, 22

  • Boston Trip 2004
    On this day in BTL history 2004. I think like most people, we were blown away by PJ Ladds Wonderful Horrible Life. So when it came to where we should do a trip for the start of filming for 2005's Meanwhile Boston seemed like the obvious choice!
    Boston Trip 2004

    Sun, Jun 05, 22

  • BTL Arizona Trip 2006

    -On this day in BTL history 2006-

    Mikey, Matt, Mortal & Will took off for a little filming trip for Sac Le Blue in Arizona..

    BTL Arizona Trip 2006

    Mon, May 16, 22